
Wallet Recovery Service Blog

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What are BIP 32, BIP 38 and BIP 39?

Information about Bitcoin Improvement Proposals, what they are and why we need them

Tree a

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How can you recover a or password?

Blockchain Password Recovery Process, Importing Json file into btcrecover

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How to recover Ledger Passphrase?

Detailed Process of Ledger Passphrase Retrieval, Steps to Recover Your Ledger Passphrase

Phone with ethereum presale logo during recovery process

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Ethereum Presale Password Recovery

How to Recover Your Ethereum Presale Wallet Password, Setting Up Your ETH Wallet, Strategies for Recovering Lost Passwords and JSON Files

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How to recover Multibit Wallet?

Step-by-Step Guide to Recovering MultiBit Wallets and Common Reasons for MultiBit Wallet Recovery

Multibit wallet during recovery process
Blockchain wallet on iMac screen is unlocking

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How to recover

Blockchain Wallet Recovery Process, Crafting a Testing Strategy, Finding Your Wallet ID

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Ethereum Presale Recovery

A Beginner’s Guide to Recovering Ethereum Presale Wallet, Understanding ETH Presale Wallets and Step-by-Step Recovery Process.

Eth Presale recovery graphic with keys and passwords

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How to recover MetaMask?

Understanding Your Recovery Options, Preventing Future Loss, What to do  If You Forgot Your Secret Recovery Phrase.

MetaMask fox on the screen of the apple computer with metamask application on the phones
Graphic of decryption process of the trezor device

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How to recover Trezor Passphrase?

Understanding the Optional Passphrase, Step-by-Step: Enabling Passphrase Function, Troubleshooting Tips and more.

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there is an imac in the center of the graphic and on the screen of the imac there is a lock with bitcoin icon